信仰中心 & 生活|bwin体育bwin体育,比弗瀑布,宾夕法尼亚州-bwin体育
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信仰中心 & 生活

bwin体育学费承诺 亲基督与亲祖国


We affirm that the Scriptures of the Old 和 New Testaments are the word of God, 上帝的启示, 是信仰和生活中唯一无误的准则.

信仰中心的使命 & 生活 is to prepare students in every academic major to walk a biblical view of life 和 the world into the marketplace.


Partner with mission-aligned learning communities to advance faith 和 learning


Equip students in every academic major to walk a Biblical view of life in the world







培训和发展 bwin体育教员 & 作为基督教思想领袖,员工必须走在各自领域的最前沿


Equipping 和 preparing students to respond to God's c所有ing in their respective professions

bwin体育的基础 圣经的集成

We believe a deeper underst和ing of the coherence of faith 和 所有 of life is desperately needed across our nation 和 the Church. Providing a Biblical foundation in education helps students live out their faith in 所有 spheres of life, bringing vitality 和 flourishing to our communities throughout our nation 和 the world.

位图 ©2023 卡尔文L. 特鲁普博士和bwin体育bwin体育. 版权所有.
The 信仰中心 和 生活 will 所有ow us to strengthen 和 share the work that has long been a foundation of our academic program to prepare our students 为 vocations that honor God 和 neighbor." 梅林达·斯蒂芬斯,93届博士,教务长

信仰中心 & 生活计划

  • 所有
  • 外展
  • 准备
  • 放大




High-quality instruction 为 high school students who want to get a jump on their future 视图


为学校辅导员提供教育和资源的计划 视图


Motivated learners who support 和 ch所有enge one other academic所有y, 关系, 和 spiritu所有y 视图


Helping students explore 和 develop the knowledge needed to pursue their c所有ings 和 life's work 视图


与学术课程相辅相成的职业规划 视图


对教员的有意培训 视图


圣经教育是每个专业的核心 视图


学术合作伙伴学生项目报告 视图


一个为期一天的会议,旨在帮助学生为进入大学做准备. 视图


Dr. 杰夫•科尔


Dr. 梅林达•史蒂芬斯



营销副总裁 & 招生


c所有 和 职业生涯中心主任



信仰中心 & 生活的标志


Closing the Gap is a program designed to help prepare high school juniors 和 seniors 为 the college experience ahead. 学生与大学教师一起工作, 学校工作人员, college students 和 mentors to develop the skills necessary to thrive in college. 这通常在两个学期的课程中进行:秋季和春季


高等教育的费用每年都在上涨. One way to lower the price is by beginning college while you’re still in high school.

bwin体育大学’s 早期的大学 program 所有ows high school students to take Geneva courses with Geneva professors—online or on campus—为 a fraction of the cost. 除了, bwin体育大学 has partnered with some Christian schools to offer classes in those schools taught by teachers qualified to instruct college-level courses.

其他早期大学的倡议,如 高中毕业后:向大学的过渡, helps high school students underst和 c所有ing 和 cultivate self-care stewardship.


bwin体育bwin体育定期在校园内举办讲习班, providing in为mation 和 resources designed to prepare 和 equip school guidance counselors as they guide students in the college search. 这些活动允许思想分享, 网络, 和, 在某些情况下, 有机会获得CEU学分以获得ACSI辅导员认证. Each event also showcases bwin体育大学 和 the educational experience 和 majors it provides.


The bwin体育大学 荣誉项目s provide opportunities 为 students to ch所有enge themselves by digging deeper into the college experience, exploring what it means to be a Christian scholar 和 discovering the lordship of Christ in every aspect of academic life.

The three honors programs build upon each other to offer students the chance to progress through their college years while gaining a deeper underst和ing of how faith in为ms scholarship in their chosen field of study. These students are able to engage with faculty 和 with a cohort of other motivated learners who will support 和 ch所有enge one other academic所有y, 关系, 在精神上也是如此.

调用 & 职业生涯

呼叫中心 & 就业援助学生, 他们准备离开bwin体育, 跟随神放在他们心里的呼召. 从制作简历, 为面试做准备, 组织校园招聘会, 还有职业评估等等, we ensure that Geneva students are about to move 为ward from our community with confidence, 知道自己走在正确的道路上.


Geneva has c所有ing 和 vocation programming in place 为 Faculty 和 Staff that complements the academic curriculum.


The ministry of education at bwin体育大学 is built on a committed Christian professoriate that conducts our course of studies under the reign of our King, 主耶稣基督和他的话.

bwin体育的课程, from the core in the Christian Liberal Arts to comprehensive programs in the sciences 和 professions, continues to depend upon our development as faculty toward a fuller working underst和ing that from be为e Creation, 所有 the treasures of wisdom 和 knowledge—in every field of study 和 discipline—are found in Christ. 这是, 在人类智慧和知识的各个方面, 基督的真理已经是完整的.


The Core ensures a comprehensive education that is Christ-centered, practical, 和 purposeful.

By combining the major area of study with the core curriculum students learn to Integrate faith 和 learning 和 to think constructively 和 creatively. The curriculum helps students see God’s design in 所有 things 和 encourages wholehearted community. Together Geneva students discover the compelling significance of God’s c所有ing 为 their lives within their fields of study.


The ministry of education at bwin体育大学 is built on a committed Christian professoriate that conducts our course of studies under the reign of our King, 主耶稣基督和他的话.


This one-day conference is designed to equip 和 empower students to faithfully enter college 和 navigate a potenti所有y overwhelming transition. 学生将探索中心主题,如“什么在呼唤”?, 信仰与学习的融合, 自我照顾和管理, 和 many practical considerations that ch所有enge students to establish their lives on the foundation of the Word of God.

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